Tuesday 28 October 2014

3D Art/Metal/Jewellery making Workshop

One week I attended a 3D/Metal work shop. One of the activities we got to do was we got given an object inside a black plastic bag , paired up in 2s and one of us had to feel the object and describe how it feels while the other one had to draw what they thought it looked like.

After that we had to make the object out of paper, still working from the description our partners gave us. Then when we had finnished, we got to look at the original object we had felt.

I thought this activity was rather interesting as it really got me thinking about using the right describing words to describe an object.

The next day we were in the metal room and we got given little pieces of metal and copper. We could use most of the machines in the room to give the pieces detail. Then we nailed them onto a block of wood.

I found this day very exciting as I have never used them kind of machines before and I also learnt that sometimes you have to soften a piece of metal by heating it up with fire to make it possible to bend into shape.

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