Friday 31 October 2014

Photography Workshop

The last workshop I attended was only for a day. This was a photography workshop.

I thought we would just be taking pictures of things and looking at different angles and lighting but there was a lot more to it than what I thought.

We went outside and took some photos. Then we printed them off and using different materials,  we had to make the photo touchable. As if a blind person was touching it and we had to interpret the object into touch.

Although I learnt a bit from this workshop, it didnt really inspire me to do photography. I did learn that even a blind person can be a photographer though.

Fashion/Textiles Workshop

This workshop was on fashion and textiles and I attended this for a week.

We had to research different fashion designers/artists to help us with the activities we were doing. I found doing the research gave me so much inspiration about what I could do in the future. I tried to research designers with more of a unique look as I am not one for blending in with the crowd and this gave me ideas on outfits I could possibly create in the future. 

I researched Alexander McQueen, Lady Gonzalez, Sophie Soni and Vivienne Westwood.

One of the activities we did was to create an outfit out of a paper bag and different coloured paper. Some of us even made the outfit reversable which I thought was amazing.

Overall, I enjoyed this workshop and it has given me ideas for the future.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

3D Art/Metal/Jewellery making Workshop

One week I attended a 3D/Metal work shop. One of the activities we got to do was we got given an object inside a black plastic bag , paired up in 2s and one of us had to feel the object and describe how it feels while the other one had to draw what they thought it looked like.

After that we had to make the object out of paper, still working from the description our partners gave us. Then when we had finnished, we got to look at the original object we had felt.

I thought this activity was rather interesting as it really got me thinking about using the right describing words to describe an object.

The next day we were in the metal room and we got given little pieces of metal and copper. We could use most of the machines in the room to give the pieces detail. Then we nailed them onto a block of wood.

I found this day very exciting as I have never used them kind of machines before and I also learnt that sometimes you have to soften a piece of metal by heating it up with fire to make it possible to bend into shape.

Fine Art Workshop

Last week I attended a workshop on Fine Art.
First thoughts I think of about fine art:
★range of materials/media

They explained the kind of things you would get to do in fine art and all the different medias you would get to use.

As part of the workshop, I had to research some different artists whos work linked into the things we were making. The 2 artists I researched were Zadok Ben-David and Mia Pearlman.

We had to make a 3D object out of paper and then draw different pictures of the object using different medias. I used acrylic paint, Ink and charcoal.

Overall, I really enjoyed this workshop and have learnt so much from it.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Zombie mouth

For this look I had to make some fake bumpy skin.
How to create the skin:
★apply 2-3 layers of liquid latex to a flat surface.
★apply a 4th layer and sprinkle oats all over the latex. The 4th layer of latex should make the oats stick.
★wait for the 4th layer to dry and then apply another 2-3 layers of latex over the oats.
★leave it to dry by itself or use a hairdryer to speed up the process.
★peel the latex off the surface and apply a powder over both sides of the latex to prevent the latex sticking to eachother.

I then measured the skin around my mouth and cut it to the size I wanted. I then used liquid latex to stick the fake skin onto my face. Then I used a red colour from my mehron bruise wheel and applied it to the fake skin to make it look red and sore. To finnish the look off I applied fake blood all over the fake skin.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Harley Quinn

This is a harley quinn inspired look using only snazaroo facepaints. I wanted the look to be very creepy and twisted as Halloween is in a few weeks and its my favourite time of the year!
To remove the makeup I used a normal face wipe and then used a facial scrub to make sure all the makeup was gone.

Burlesque Inspired Makeup

After watching the film Burlesque, which stars the ever so glamorous Cher and Christina Aguilera, I really got inspired to try out some looks. Today I wore a short black bob wig to create a kind of 20s hairstyle without having to do anything to my own hair. I used mainly Ben Nye makeup for the eyes, eyebrows and cheeks. I used an MUA lip liner and mixed it with some Ben Nye eye shadows for my lips.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Interesting Illustation Article

I found an article on an artist who travels the world and paints not only what he sees, but also what he smells and feels too. I found this article interesting because it was useful for me to learn how he works and how he interprets different sounds and smells into his work. It was also interesting to find out that he likes painting places but doesnt like sitting where everyone can see him, he likes sitting in his room and looking out of the window.

Fallen Angel

I love body painting and I have found the back is one of the best places to work on because it is smooth, wide and flat.
I used snazaroo facepaints from a fancydress shop to paint on the wings.I used normal face wipes to remove the wings after and I told my model to have a shower to make sure all the paint was off.

Decorating jars

I was feeling very creative today. So I decorated some jars using a hot glue gun and some old nail polishes for colour.
some of the colours I had to mix together to create the right colour but the glue dried really quickly. 

Sunday 5 October 2014

Visual Communication

This week I have been attending a workshop on Visual Communication.  Doing this has made me more aware of the different signs and lettering around me. I have noticed I am picking out differences between logos and I am thinking of different reasons as to why they have chosen that certain type.

One thing I had to do was draw everything I see In a kitchen cupboard. I found it difficult to copy the letter so they were the same, But I still really enjoyed it too. It has inspired me to try and draw more everyday items.

I think the most interesting part of this workshop was learning about all the different ways you can type a word and also how the style and colour of the word should blend in with the actual product.

Overall, I have learnt so much this week and it has made me more aware of what's around me.