Saturday 22 November 2014

Ring making

During my time in metal work, I got the chance to learn how to make a ring. I did try to make it so it would fit my finger but unfortunately I made it too fat and big. I decided to thread it on to a necklace chain and wear it as a necklace instead.
How I made the ring:
★I first measured my ring size. Then wrapped wire around the ring measurer, cut it then unwrapped it so that I got the right size.
★Next I measured the wire on a piece of metal and cut the metal to the same size as the wire. The piece of metal is going to be the ring.
★I then used a blowtorch to heat up the piece of metal until it was a red cherry colour. Then placed it in cold water to cool off.The heat makes the metal soft enough to bend.
★I bent the metal into a circle so that both ends touch together. Using a smaller blowtorch  I soldered both ends together and placed it in cold water to quickly cool off. If you touched it after soldering, you would burn yourself. Plus without the cold water, it would take a while for the metal to cool down enough for you to work on it.
★I then placed the ring in some (not too strong) acid for a few minutes. Then when I took the ring out of the acid, I rinsed it in some water and dried it with a towel.
★Next I used different size files to file down any bumpy places. Especially where its been soldered. That will be the main place to file.
★Lastly I used a very powerful buffing machine to smooth the ring and make it shiny.

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